JMRC 7011: Project Management and Innovation

blue and pink html code on a computer screen

Course Overview

In groups projects and individual work, I've gathered how to ideate and manage projects appropriately. I've learned of the innovation process - the process of ideation, design, iteration, and so forth. I spent time researching and applying ideation techniques and project management methodologies.

For my biggest project, I created a new feature in an website through a "Sprint" process, which outlines how to solve big problems and test new ideas in a short period of time. Using Sprint, by Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky, and Braden Kowitz, I developed a Sprint of my own within a group. We choose to create a new feature in Slack to organize group availablities and schedule meetings. We used FigJam to complete our journey and mark our progress. Our prototype was created in Figma with some outside work done in Adobe XD. We created a presentation to discuss our project as well.

Check out my projects!

Figma Prototype: Slack Scheduler

As a part of the sprint project, this is the desktop web version prototype of our newly created feature on Slack, The Scheduler.

FigJam Board: The Sprint

Using Figma, we created a daily board for each day's tasks and completed each day over one week. Our team would frequently meet and we delegated the facilitator and decider roles to the team. I took the role of "The Decider" in the group, committing to make final decisions and essentially decide our team's moves going forward with the project.

We began by developing long-term goals for our project, along with Sprint questions that focused our efforts on overcoming our biggest challenges. Next, we conducted interviews of experts in the field and analyzed our research to best direct our efforts. We mapped out the customer experience for our new feature. Discussion and voting were very helpful throughout this process.

The Sprint Presentation

On my team, we created a presentation slideshow to explain our design for our new feature in Slack, The Scheduler. We guided the audience through the problem we aimed to tackle, our proposed solution, and a detailed walk through of our design sprint to land at our final product.

Extreme Programming: An Agile Methodology

I independently researched extreme programming and synthesized my findings with other graduate students in my program. In a small group, we created a presentation on extreme programming, what is it, its advantages and disadvantages, how it compares to other agile methods, a related case study, and an original activity for learning purposes.
