Home Geolocation Speech Detection Speech Synthesis

Project 4 Reflection

Starting the project, I was easily guided through the instructions. I enjoyed watching the Javascript videos by Wes Bos. The content was clicking and coming together for me after several Code Academy lessons. I found the project to be very rewarding, as I combned several skills I've gathered over this semester into the website. I completed three challenges provided by Wes Bos, Geolocation, Speech Detection, and Speech Synthesis. I created three separate pages for them, found through the nav bar above.

I learned several new terms and ways to code, including binds, toggle functions, the true/false set up for functions to output certain results, and several different actions related ot these challenges.

The geolocation challenge was most difficult setting up and seeing its preview and understanding its functions. I found that if it is running on your iphone with the right parameters, you can take a jog and it will output your location and speed. The the speech detection and synthesis, I was able to find new actions to take with the microphone through coding. I hope to understand how to format the setup of a code like these in a more aesthetically pleasing way, auch as changing the shape of the box hat is already set up for me with the starting code. Overall, I am pleased with the outcome and am feeling more confident in my coding knowledge.